Historic houses are a common sight across New England, some dating back as far as the Revolutionary War and earlier. But while these homes out of history are beautiful, they present a hazard when it comes to renovation.
One such house, a beautiful Arts and Crafts house in historic Arlington, Mass., was built in 1909. A three-level, 2,400-sq.-ft. home, this historic structure was originally heated with steam and later converted to high-temperature hydronic heating.
The house, featured on the nationally known renovation program This Old House®, ran the gamut of renovation projects, including a new porch, expanded areas for the kitchen and master bathroom, a new chimney, and an updated heating system.
Fortunately, Bilo Plumbing and Heating Company in Ipswich, Massachusetts, has a history of experience with Viega radiant heating systems that spans 20 years. Lead plumber Kevin Bilo has been installing Viega radiant systems for 15 years.
Bilo and his crew installed all new plumbing and heating in the historic home using Viega PureFlow PEX tubing and Viega PureFlow Press fittings. For the radiant heating solution in the home, Bilo used Viega Climate Panels in all three bathrooms, Viega Climate Trak on the entire first floor, and stainless manifolds.
Additionally, the crew installed Viega FostaPEX tubing throughout the house, using the aluminum-coated, form-stable PEX to adapt to the manifolds and the new boiler in the mechanical room.
Bilo has prior installation experience with several other radiant systems, and he believes Viega radiant solutions are the best.
“They’re easy to work with and installation friendly,” Bilo said. “You have more options to get the job done, and, really, it’s just the confidence I have in the product.”
THIS OLD HOUSE® is a registered trademark of This Old House Ventures, LLC. Used with permission.
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