The economy in Utah is booming, and Blue Line Plumbing and Mechanical has a lot of jobs to stay on top of. Viega products are coming in quite handy to help speed things along.
Blue Line recently ran gas lines for an office complex with warehouses in American Fork, Utah, running MegaPressG lines to each of the 22 units. There is also a two-inch water main in ProPress, about 1,000 feet long with tees and ball valves, providing water to each unit. Using Viega products made it all possible.
“Basically, I first thought, ‘Wow, this looks so easy,’” Bryce Mannek, president of Blue Line, said. “Time is of the essence in Salt Lake City, and Marty Ellis from Viega had come out to do a demo. I borrowed a press gun from him and got the materials; and on a project in Herriman that I thought was going to take about a week, we did it in two days. It saved us a ton of time.”

The office complex owner estimated that there’s about a mile of one-inch pipe in the building, the first of three similar buildings in the same complex. Mannek said that besides saving time and money using Viega, one of his favorite things is the simple, clean look of the product.
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