“Any day building custom mechanical rooms is a great day,” says Tyler Dynes (@dyneshvac), lead installer—with a specialty in hydronics—for Farr Mechanical Corp., greater Toronto area. You see, for Dynes, the most rewarding part of his work is seeing the finished install and hearing the customer say, “this is the nicest room in the house.”
In fact, Dynes loves what he does so much, one of his bucket list items is building his own home with a custom hydronic system.

Dynes’ rise into the trades started right out of high school where he began a career in automotive mechanics. After a few years in the field, he soon realized it just wasn’t for him. After speaking to someone at a local fuel/HVAC company, Dynes decided to give working for them a try. Several of his friends were in the industry already and encouraged him to enter the trade. “I worked with that company for about 11 years, learning everything I could in the residential HVAC field. It was here I became a gas fitter, oil burner and started my AC apprenticeship,” says Dynes.

Tyler with Brandon Farr (l), owner of Farr Mechanical.
One of my Dynes’ first mentors was a seasoned tech named Chris who Dynes trained under for five years at that first HVAC company. I also follow the careers of Eric Aune (@mechanicalhub), Mike Flynn (@flynnstone1), Don Taylor (@dontaylor53) and Aaron Bond (@bond_aaron) closely on Instagram. “They inspire me to push myself and learn more about all the different aspects of the trade. I still look up to them and chat with them from time to time,” says Dynes.
Dynes hadn’t considered himself a role model, just someone who takes a lot of pride in what he does. “I hope that I can encourage people to join the trade, and for those already in it, to push themselves to learn new skills. I would love for people to look at my work and be able to ask questions to help them learn everything I have and beyond,” says Dynes.
And with that, social media has allowed Dynes to grow professionally and personally as he loves the relationships that he’s built through it. Dynes is amazed at the support and encouragement he’s received over the last few years through his Instagram posts and stories. “It has such a great community of people from all trades supporting each other,” says Dynes.
Yet social media can become addicting, says Dynes, and it can be hard to step away. “After I get home, there are usually questions or conversations that happen through Instagram about my posted installs or other people looking for advice. I try to help when I can, but I know it’s important to put my phone down and spend time with my family, which can be going to the cottage with his family and riding his dirt bike,” says Dynes.
Over the past decade, there is no debating social media has become a place where contractors can show off their work and wares, and connect. This should help enhance the trades. “We need to showcase the fun side of trades and that no day is ever the same. There are so many areas that you can excel or specialize in, and we need to make that more known to people. It’s a hard work, fast-paced environment, but it’s so rewarding when you get the freedom to be creative,” says Dynes.