U.S. Boiler Company has introduced a new thermoplastic-lined, indirect-fired water heater for residential and light commercial applications.
The new Alliance LT is a corrosion-resistant tank designed to provide outstanding thermal performance. The tank itself is light, offering ease of transport and installation, but has a faster recovery rate than competing electric, gas or oil-fired water heaters.
The Alliance LT is the perfect solution for any application where water quality, hardness, softness or chlorides could otherwise be an issue. By utilizing a proprietary, double-bonded thermoplastic tank liner, the Alliance LT can withstand even the most aggressive water conditions without the use of an anode rod.
The Alliance LT also features one inch of dense foam insulation, providing minimal standby heat loss. Bolted, topside connections provide easy access to the coil without the need to train the tank.
Fresh water enters through a diffuser that deposits water toward the bottom of the tank. The perforated diffuser shoots cold water in a 360-degree pattern across the heat exchanger. This puts the coldest water in direct contact with the coil. This design has proven to speed recovery time by more than 15 percent. Fast water movement across the heat exchanger also diminishes mineral buildup on the coil.
The unit comes standard with an advanced TPI thermostat control and 10-year residential warranty. A lifetime warranty is optional. Available in five sizes from 30 to 119 gallons, the Alliance LT requires minimal maintenance and offers long service life.
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